Three use cases of connected automated mobility with different architectural characteristics (cloud, backend, roadside units) and communication technologies (mobile, DSRC) were selected to investigate and evaluate the ConnRAD concepts in the broadest possible field of application of connected mobility (C-ITS, CCAM). The focus is less on functional concept confirmation (the use cases have already been verified in previous projects), but on the implementation of the resilience approaches developed in ConnRAD.
V2X communication for cooperative, urban AD functions (Use Case 1)
In Use Case 1, a cooperative turning maneuver at an urban intersection is depicted. Information from connected automated vehicles is to be transmitted to a local roadside unit, which provides a local environment model from all information from the vehicles and, optionally, sensors from the infrastructure. The RSU is also connected to a traffic light system. Communication is ensured via a local DSRC ad-hoc network. The functional basis for this use case are developments from the publicly funded (BMWK) project LUKAS.
Reliable and trustworthy event notifications via V2X direct communication for motorways (Use Case 2)
Use Case 2 shows an traffic jam warning system on a highway. The end of the traffic jam is detected either by a connected vehicle or by the infrastructure. The end of the traffic jam is detected either by the on-board or infrastructure sensors (lidar, radar, camera, …), or by receiving status messages (Cooperative Awareness Messages, CAMs) from vehicles in the traffic jam. The transmission of these messages, as well as warnings of the end of a traffic jam, takes place via direct communication in a DSRC ad-hoc network. The basis for this use case was developed in the publicly funded (EU, Horizon 2020) project 5GCroCo.
Teleoperated driving via mobile communication with a cloud backend (Use Case 3)
Use Case 3 considers a case in which an automated driving vehicle cannot find a way to continue driving on its own. This situation can occur due to obstacles on the roadway or involve constellations that are outside the operational design domain of the vehicle, such as interpreting the gestures of a police officer directing traffic at an intersection.
The vehicle then requests assistance from a control center via mobile communications. A human in the control center temporarily supports the vehicle through teleoperation or teleassistance. Video streams from the vehicle are transmitted to the control center via the public cellular network, and the operator’s control signals are sent to the vehicle.
As soon as automated driving is possible again, the driving task is handed back to the vehicle and it can fulfill its mission.